Impulse Control

Impulse control issues can present in many forms, and vary depending on the individual.  These forms can include: anger, substance abuse, tobacco use, emotionally eating, shopping, shoplifting, hoarding, obsessive/compulsive behaviors, hair pulling (Trichotillomania), sexually acting out, pornography, social media, and even more.Frequently, impulse control issues are a symptom of an underlying issue, and addressing this core issue is important to ending any specific behavior. Through a combination of talk therapy, and hypnosis when appropriate, we are able to address both the core issue and the specific behavior to create positive and permanent change.

At times, it may be appropriate to incorporate other support systems, such the family/family of choice, a 12-step program, or support group in effort of expanding the support system. Much like the legs of a stool, the more legs of support, the more likely the system will continue to support you if one leg falters.

Overall, impulse control work is based on gaining the understanding that impulses, at their basic state, are just thoughts. Like any other throught, it holds no power over us unless we feed the thought. Through practice of mindfulness and cognitive restructuring we are able to acknowledge when these thoughts arise, and be empowered to choose a different action rather than the default impulse.

“There is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death. Whether it's the mundane violence we do to our bodies by overeating toxic food or drink or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism.”
- Bell Hooks
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